Sign up for the latest news, co-production tips, training opportunities and more.

Sign up for the latest news, co-production tips, training opportunities and more.

What is Co-production?

Co-production is a way of working. It is a value based approach, built on the principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design it.

It is about people with lived experience, decision makers and service providers working together to create a decision or service which works well for all involved.

Introductory resources

Our introductory videos are a great place to get started on your co-production journey. From finding out what co-production actually is, to getting some top-tips, you can find them here!

What is Co-production?

Top Tips for Co-production

Co-production Guidance, Day Centres

This guidance is designed to empower clients, staff, and stakeholders to work together as equal partners in creating effective, responsive, and inclusive services. Within its pages you will find practical examples of co production in action, reflective case studies, and tools to help your organisation on its journey.

Resource library

At Expert Link, we believe in sharing wisdom, and here we share some of the amazing co-production work that is going on within the network.

If you would like to showcase work, toolkits or research (no matter where you are in your journey), please click here to send us the information. We will feature as many as we can in the Co-production Centre.

Sharing best practice models

We equip local policy-makers, service providers and individuals with lived experience, to work together to design policies and services that are driven by the voices of people with lived experience.

Strengths Based Toolkit

This Toolkit was produced in partnership with Homeless Link, Colin Falconer from Inspire Chilli, Leeds City Council and Concrete alongside the 400 people who have shared their experiences of what it means to work in a strengths-based way.


Expert Link offers a comprehensive package of support to help individuals and groups in overcoming barriers to effective co-production. You can view our training packages here

Conversations on Co-production series

Conversations on Co-production is a regular monthly meet up, facilitated by Expert Link, with an open invitation to anyone involved in co-production. We have some brilliant individuals who attend and share their wisdom. You can get access to previous conversations such as ‘Getting voices heard at strategic meetings’, ‘Employing people with lived experience’, ‘3 key considerations when setting up a group’ and many more in the video series here!

Here are some resources put together using the collective wisdom from the conversations. They cover a range of topics such as challenging power, giving lived experience a voice within charitable boards, ways organisations can improve the recruitment process and much more!

Latest Conversations