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Sign up for the latest news, co-production tips, training opportunities and more.

Latest opportunities

Join the Network

Come and join the Expert Link Network and never miss out on co-production tips, training opportunities, the latest news, opportunities from our communities & much more!

Join the groups

Expert Link have a number of groups full of incredible people with lived experience of disadvantage. The groups help to influence local and national policy; some of the smallest groups have had the biggest impact. Give us an email if you would like to get involved!

Come to our training

Expert Link offers a comprehensive package of support to help individuals and groups in overcoming barriers to effective local co-production. Our training provides:

  • Opportunities for individuals with lived experience to overcome stigma and negative labels and recognise their own strengths
  • Opportunities for service providers, local authorities and other actors to get rid of stigma and negative labels and recognise strengths in people with lived experience
  • Opportunities groups to build relationships with one another and define shared values
  • Wisdom around general principles on what makes good co-production
  • Detailed examples of co-production in the sector, including barriers and successes

The Wealth Within

Tue, 3 Oct 2023 10:00 GMT
Starts at £90.00


Co-production: The Essential Nuts and Bolts

Weds, 11 Oct 2023 10:00 GMT
Starts at £75.00


The Wealth Within

Thur, 25 Apr 2024 10:00 GMT
Starts at £90.00


Co-production: The Essential Nuts and Bolts

Mon, 29 Apr 2024, 10:00 GMT
Starts at £75.00


If you would like to discuss any of our training please get in touch by emailing

Here is what some of our previous delegates had to say about their experiences of our training:

“It was very informative, full of positive content. It is very valuable that it was led by a person with the lived experience”

"Thought provoking, amazing, inspirational. The trainer comes highly recommended."

“Fantastically led”

Get our help

At Expert Link we are proud of our network and all it has achieved to date. It is filled with people who have incredible skills, talents and lived experience. We have also worked with some incredible organisations and funders, setting up and facilitating robust and effective lived experience groups across the UK. If you would like to find out how Expert Link could help your organisation, please email us


We aspire to a world where people with lived experience are treated as equal partners in decisions made about their lives. Your support means a lot to us and will help us continue our mission of championing the voice of people with lived experience of multiple disadvantage. Your contribution will make a significant impact on the lives of people who have experienced homelessness, mental health issues, substance misuse, offending, domestic violence and abuse. Once again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.