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Expert Link is working with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on embedding the voices of people with lived experiences into their policy making.

We know that the wisdom of the lived experience community is vital to ending rough sleeping. To make the end of rough sleeping a reality, it is critical that Government initiatives and support are informed not only with learnings of how things have worked in the past, but also with the rich expertise of what will work in the future that the community can provide.

In addition to working with the Department to make effective decisions as it works to end rough sleeping, we believe this work can inspire others in the sector in their co-production journey.

David Ford, Chief Executive and Founder of Expert Link:

“Co-production and collaboration at every level are key to ensuring a whole systems approach to ending rough sleeping for good. We very much welcome the Governments lead on this and look forward to bringing the learnings and insights of lived experience into their policy and decision making.

Thank you to all those in the network and beyond who have championed the voice of lived experience - your efforts have made this ambition a reality!”