Being part of the Welfare Change Lived Experience Group
We are a group of experts from across the UK with lived experience of multiple disadvantage and the social security system.
We are passionate about improving access to benefits for those experiencing multiple disadvantages, and can provide expertise, practical advice and solutions to help overcome the barriers people face.
We are currently supported by Expert Link through funding from the Lloyds Foundation
What we want to see
Making use of flexibility and innovation
Improvements to processes so that people experiencing homelessness can utilise the flexibility that does exist within the system – e.g. Alternative Payment Arrangements, timings of work coach meetings, and use of outreach models
Accessing benefits when you’re homeless
Making use of advocates
People experiencing homelessness to be offered advocates to raise understanding both to the individual of DWP processes, and to the workcoach of the individuals circumstances that may be difficult to disclose.
“Advocacy, it’s done out of a genuine care to help people”
Increasing work coach understanding
DWP to increase the understanding of work coaches about the issues that affect people experiencing homelessness. This would include underlying causes and how theses effect behaviours (e.g. childhood trauma) and understanding the many exemptions that exist for people experiencing homelessness.
How can the DWP better support those recovering from addictions? Part One
How can the DWP better support those recovering from addictions? Part Two
Partnership working
Increased partnership working, so that individuals can receive a continuity of care. This would involve working with relevant homelessness agencies in the area, and parts of the council (e.g. Housing Options)
Forms and assessments
More accessible forms, which are currently difficult to understand by many people. This could be through improvements to the form itself, or by support provided to individuals to engage with the form.
What happens if we don’t understand? – How small changes to DWP letters could improve the system
Some of our achievements
The group has delivered training sessions to DWP staff, with over 200 people attending so far!
Find out more about us
If you want to hear more about us or are interested in joining the Welfare Change Lived Experience Group, please contact us on